Supporting Global Understanding in Changsha and New Haven
Yali Fund
The Yali Fund supports recent Yale graduates and early career Yali teachers as fellows serving as educators in public schools in Changsha and New Haven.
Fellows teach curricula in accordance with our partner institutions’ needs and develop a deeper understanding of intercultural dialogue within the classroom and beyond. They bring authentic and highly memorable global learning experiences to thousands of students in China and the U.S.
While the need and commitment in Changsha and New Haven remains strong, the costs of sustaining the program have increased substantially. The Yali Fund goal of raising $65,000 over 3 years assures Yale-China’s ability to annually support four Fellows from Yale to Yali and two Fellows from Yali to New Haven.
Partners and Locations
Yale Fellows at Yali High School in Changsha
For Yale graduates, the fellowship at Yali is a transformative two years. Since the program’s inception back in 1906, Fellows have gained an in-depth understanding of themselves, China, and Chinese people and culture. They teach Oral English alongside Yali faculty to Senior 1 students, lead an array of extracurricular activities including an annual English musical, and develop their Chinese language skills. The strong support from Yali teachers, students and administrators allows Yale Fellows to gain special insight and knowledge of China.
Chinese Teaching Fellows from Yali in New Haven Public Schools
Since 2013, teachers from the Yali Education Group have brought their teaching skills and cultural knowledge to hundreds of New Haven Public School students. Fellows create classrooms where both American and Chinese pedagogies are utilized to give their students a special learning environment. Each Fellow is paired with a New Haven ambassador family so that the Yali Fellows experience the diversity of American family life.
Please consider supporting the continuation of these programs, which foster new understanding, trust and respect between Yale and Yali Fellows, their students, local teachers and administrators in Changsha and New Haven.
Donate online or make your donation by check.
Please make checks payable to “The Yale-China Association, Incorporated,” write “Yali Fund” in the memo line, and mail to the following address:
Yale-China Association
Box 6023
Hamden, CT 06517
“During my time in New Haven, I got to experience the real U.S. society and spend time with the students. At that time, I was thinking, “How can I teach better? How can I teach the language better? How can I help my students in Changsha know more about the world outside of China? ”
Please join us!
We are holding two Yali Fund gatherings in Washington DC and New York City to bring together DC and NYC-based Yali alumni and Yale-China Fellows who learned and taught at Yali.
DC Gathering
Saturday, July 2nd
12 noon-2 pm
Tiger Fork
Blagden Alley, 922 N Street (Rear) NW
NYC Gathering
Saturday, July 23rd
12 noon-2 pm
Blue Willow
40 W 56th Street
RSVP: Leslie Stone, Yale-China Association
One of my favorite parts of the Yale-China fellowship is the English musical. Every year, students at each of the high school sites perform an English-language musical that is cast and directed by the fellows, and I am always blown away by the passion and enthusiasm of not only the students in the production, but the entire community.
Kate Rosenberg, current fellow at Yali
When visiting classrooms at the K-8 level for Chinese instruction, the Fellows brought the beauty of Chinese language and culture and the joy of early language learning to our classes that otherwise would not have had that opportunity.
Jessica Haxhi, Supervisor for World Languages, New Haven Public Schools
“Yale-China and our American English teachers helped shape our lives. I am forever grateful for what you have done to help the kids in China.”
Former student of Yale Fellows at Yali